User-friendly Excel tool for calculating the financial impacts from refinancing up to 10 existing loan facilities with up to 10 new loan facilities in order to help the users make informed refinancing decisions.
The template compares the remaining cash flows to maturity of existing loan facilities to net cash flows following the refinancing of these existing loan facilities with new loan facilities. The cash flows are calculated on a monthly basis for up to 20 years. The template allows calculations for up to 10 existing loan facilities and 10 new loan facilities. Each loan facility is specified and calculated separately and contains a full reconciliation from Opening to Closing Balance for each month.
- Net cash flow comparison of existing facilities to maturity vs existing/new facilities following refinancing;
- Loan balances for each month/year by facility, lender, loan type and base rate type;
- Total interest expense comparison of existing facilities to maturity vs existing/new facilities following refinancing;
- Full Control account for each loan facility (Opening Balance to Closing Balance Reconciliation);
- Exposure charts showing splits by lender, loan type and base rate for a particular projection year;
- Charts showing developments of cumulative cash flows, interest expense and loan balances on total basis.
Setup Inputs:
- Business or individual name
- Currency
- First projection year and month
- List of base rates (up to 5 – but can be extended)
- List of lenders (up to 5 – but can be extended)
- List of loan types (up to 5 – but can be extended)
Facility Inputs:
- Facility Name;
- Lender (from list of lenders specified above);
- Facility type (from list of loan types specified above);
- Balance at start of projection period (for existing facilities only);
- Start Date (for new facilities only);
- Maturity date;
- Base rate (from list of base rates);
- Margin rate;
- Interestonly or amortising loan (drop down);
- Payment frequency (monthly, quarterly, semiannually or annually)
- Transaction costs (for new facilities only);
- Existing facility the new facility is replacing.
- Base rate forward interest rates
- Specific repayment amounts for existing and new loan facilities
The template contains, 7 tabs split into input ('i_'), calculation ('c_'), output ('o_’) and system tabs. The only tab to be populated by the user are the input tabs ('i_Setup' and ‘i_Assumptions’). The calculation tab uses the user-defined inputs to calculate and produce the template outputs presented in 'o_Results'.
- The tool follows best practice financial modelling guidelines and includes instructions, checks and input validations;
- The tool can calculate projected cash flows and balances for up to 10 existing and 10 new loan facilities;
- The tool can calculate projected cash flows and balances on a monthly basis for a maximum period of 20 years from projection start date;
- The tool can calculate projected cash flows/balances for an interestonly debt / loan (all principal is paid on maturity date) or an amortising debt / loan (principal is paid as part of the periodic instalments across the life of the loan);
- Business/individual Name, currency, projection start, facility names, lender names, base rates and loan types are fully customisable;
- Each loan facility is specified and calculated separately and contains a full reconciliation from opening to closing balance for each month;
- The tool includes a checks dashboard which summarises all the checks included in the various tabs making it easier to identify any errors;
- The tool includes checks and input validations to help ensure input fields are populated accurately.
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Debt Refinancing Excel Model
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1 Excel Model